Once upon a time, a small caterpillar was crawling on the damp grass in a jungle. He looked longingly at the sky, yearning to fly in his heart.

The little caterpillar was busy eating a leaf under a mulberry tree when suddenly a bird attacked him and was about to devour him, but the little caterpillar managed to escape with great effort and hid himself in a hole.

He was tired and scared, weary of his life, thinking he was the ugliest creature in the jungle. In that moment, it caught sight of the yellow wings of a beautiful butterfly. The yellow butterfly said to him, “Little caterpillar, why are you upset?” And the little caterpillar replied, “I’m not satisfied with my life at all! Every day I have to flee from the birds, I have no legs to walk, no wings to fly, I am very ugly… I wish I were in your place.” The yellow butterfly, moved by the words of the little caterpillar, said, “The only way to save yourself is to spin a cocoon. You must stay in the cocoon for seven days and nights.” The caterpillar said, “Why should I stay in the cocoon for so long? I get tired, I can’t do it, I have to see the sunlight every day.” But the butterfly, with wisdom, said, “If you want your life to change, you need to learn to be patient, when you embrace patience and endure darkness and loneliness in the cocoon, then you will see the result.

” The little caterpillar was hopeless but started to spin the cocoon and promised himself to be patient and see what would happen.

Days passed, and the caterpillar lived in his cocoon.

Suddenly, on a warm spring day, the cocoon of the little caterpillar opened up, and from within emerged a beautiful seven-colored butterfly that had a breathtaking beauty, leaving all the jungle animals in awe of its radiance and beauty.

Suddenly, on a warm spring day, the cocoon of the little caterpillar opened up, and from within emerged a beautiful seven-colored butterfly that had a breathtaking beauty, leaving all the jungle animals in awe of its radiance and beauty.